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Reclaim your Peace and Power

The membership for people-pleasing women who are ready to reclaim their power, voice and peace of mind without guilt.


Do you want to stand up for yourself without feeling guilty?

Join the Peace and Power Tribe and discover how to say ‘No’ without feeling guilty, speak up for yourself in any situation, create balanced relationships, make decisions with confidence and go after the career and lifestyle you want.

The Challenges of being a People-Pleaser

  • You do things out of a sense of obligation, driven by what you ‘should’ do

  • You watch other people getting the pay rises and promotions that you deserve

  • You find yourself drained from listening to other people’s problems and trying to help them

  • You find it hard to make decisions, looking to others opinions to know what to do

  • You end relationships abruptly because you can’t handle conflict

  • You worry about passing on your people-pleasing patterns to your children

  • You agree to help people, regret it and then have to backtrack

  • Your friendships are shallow and you do most of the giving

  • You struggle to know what you want or how you feel

  • You are exhausted from being hyper-alert to what others are feeling and thinking

  • You have weak or no boundaries and often feel taken advantage of

  • Your health suffers because you don’t have time to look after yourself

Ultimately these are the reason why People-Pleasing Women struggle to speak up for themselves


They are so other-focused, they don’t know themselves and lack self-awareness


They have become expert at ignoring how they feel and can’t choose their responses because their nervous system is dysregulated and they have lost their mind-body connection


They don’t have a loving relationship with their inner child and get hurt by expecting other people to fill the emptiness within


They don’t know what loving boundaries they need or how to communicate them


They don’t know how to effectively communicate their feelings and needs

I understand you

I used to be a shell of a person.
I didn’t know what I liked, what I wanted, constantly criticised myself and found it almost impossible to make decisions.
I had been in an abusive marriage for 18 years and it was time for me to leave.⁠⁠

The truth is, I had lost myself. I had become so other-focused, I wasn’t living MY life – I was too busy helping everyone else live their lives!

I was exhausted and out of touch with my own reality and feelings, except for feeling empty and alone.

I couldn’t stop saying ‘Yes’ to everything at work. I would do ALL the things and not take the breaks.
It wasn’t until I developed such crippling repetitive strain injury (RSI) that I could no longer type, that I had to change.

I couldn’t say ‘No’, so my body was saying it for me.⁠⁠I have spent years picking up my pieces, re-discovering who I am, taking back my power and voice and building a life that I love.

Along the way I have un-learnt and learnt anew loads about how to break free from the people-pleasing pattern – and how to say ‘No’ without guilt!

⁠⁠This is why I am so passionate about helping women on their journeys in ditching people-pleasing forever and instead build boundaries, self-confidence and the best relationships of their lives at home and at work.⁠

This is why I have created the
Peace and Power Tribe

To help you:


Grow in self-awareness so you can bring attention and energy back to yourself and discover what you actually want and need in your life.


Restore the mind-body connection so that you have access to your inner knowing, know what you really feel and can make more choices about how you respond from having a more regulated nervous system


Develop a loving relationship with your inner child so that you are not dependent on others for attention, approval and love


Identify what loving boundaries you need, how to communicate them and how to enforce them when needed


Effectively communicate your feelings and needs without being mean and how to navigate conflict, so that you get what you need, create more balanced relationships and invite in genuine connection with others.

By being part of the Peace and Power Tribe you will become:


Confident in setting boundaries in different areas of your life so you are not taken advantage of.


Self-compassionate and improve your physical and mental health and wellbeing.


Effective communicator to get your needs met in a relationship.


Clear about who you are, what you want and how you feel so you can live your life and not someone else’s.

By joining the Peace and Power Tribe you will:


Learn how to say ‘No’ without feeling guilty


Feel more at ease in speaking up for yourself in a growing range of situations


Create more balanced relationships


Make decisions with confidence


Go after the career and lifestyle you want

The goal of the
Peace and Power Tribe

is to help you
reclaim your voice
your power and your peace
so you can stand up for what you really want.

Why the Peace and Power Tribe works:


Just as people-pleasing patterns are holistic in that they encompass our thoughts, feelings, behaviours, biology, energy and relationships, in the Peace and Power Tribe we work on all those areas so you can fully blossom.


There is power in community. You are not on this journey alone. You will be joining a supportive community of women who understand, will support you and cheer you on.


You can go at your own pace. You don’t have to rush and you don’t need to compare yourself to anyone else.

Here is how the Peace and Power Tribe works:

After you join the Peace and Power Tribe you will:

Get access to
live teaching sessions

transformative meditations

Connect with women who understand you and are on the same journey as you

Get your questions
answered during our live Question and Answer

Access all the recordings if you cannot make a live session

And if you


as a Founding Member

you will have access to the following


  • A private Facebook community for mutual connection - £500

  • Access to recordings of all calls - £1000

  • Free enrolment in my online course ‘Better Boundaries for Better Relationships’ - £700

  • Guest expert speakers - £1000

  • Support in between sessions in the Facebook group - £1000

  • A signing on one-to-one coaching session with me - £200 (only paid in full)

  • Lifetime access to the Peace and Power Tribe (50 SPACES AVAILABLE)

  • What is the Investment?

    Total value of joining the Peace and Power Tribe: £9800

    Founding Member: 


    one-off payment

    for lifetime membership
    (first 50 only)


  • A private Facebook community for mutual connection - £500

  • Access to recordings of all calls - £1000

  • Free enrolment in my online course ‘Better Boundaries for Better Relationships’ - £700

  • Guest expert speakers - £1000

  • Support in between sessions in the Facebook group - £1000

  • A signing on one-to-one coaching session with me - £200 (only paid in full)

  • Lifetime access to the Peace and Power Tribe (50 SPACES AVAILABLE)




    12 x £35/month 

    (this is a payment plan)


  • A private Facebook community for mutual connection - £500

  • Access to recordings of all calls - £1000

  • Free enrolment in my online course ‘Better Boundaries for Better Relationships’ - £700

  • Guest expert speakers - £1000

  • Support in between sessions in the Facebook group - £1000


    Client Results

    “Helen helped me work through my transition into a new life, address so many issues that had come up in my relationship and find the confidence to back myself in business and life. Working with Helen was the most valuable thing I have done for myself.”

    Lindsay Davis, Coach to Entrepreneurs

    “I was looking to everyone else for approval. My aim was to find my own voice and start directing my own life. I have made positive steps and changes to the way I think and to the way I respond. Helen she has helped me untangle emotional knots and see clearly what I want for my future.”

    Judy Edwards, Graphic Designer

    “Since meeting Helen I have found a new job that plays to my strengths and where my contribution is valued. I have left the relationship I was in and know what I am looking for in the future, although I am in no rush. My self-confidence has grown and I know how to continue to foster it.”

    Joanne, Personal Trainer

    “I came to Helen to figure out what I wanted in a partner, how to handle conflict and how not to lose myself in a relationship. I couldn’t face another heart break.From Helen’s coaching I have learnt NOT to settle in my relationships; to trust my instincts and that I need to speak up sooner when I am not happy about something.”

    Carrie, Teacher

    “I was feeling overwhelmed with responsibilities, had lost joy and felt my life was out of my control.Through Helen’s coaching I learnt to look after myself, started delegating and have discovered my inner peace to successfully navigate a stressful transition time of both moving house with the family and starting a new job.”

    Sheila, Minister

    “I can definitely say that I have grown in my capacity to 'say no', to decide upon and create healthier boundaries, to speak up on my own behalf, to be more self-loving and self-responsible and to treat myself with equality, since meeting Helen. She has been an invaluable support in these difficult times.”

    Angela, Full time Mum

    Your Questions Answered

    Can’t I just read about all of this from some books?

    The Peace and Power Tribe is a community. It’s a safe space where you go on this journey with other women who understand where you are coming from, will validate your experiences and where you can form genuine healthy connections. You can be the REAL you here and you will be able to practise having conversations or setting boundaries before you do them in real life.

    What is coaching?

    Coaching is a collaborative relationship and so both client and coach have responsibilities to each other. As the client, you will need to own your own journey and be open to having sometimes hard conversations. We both must be honest and open with each other. As your coach, I will bring my training and experience to create a safe container for you, be committed to your wellbeing and growth and help you track your progress

    What if I cannot make one of the live calls?

    If you cannot make one of the live calls, you will have access to the recording at any time. Also, if you submit your questions in advance of the Q&A, I will answer them on the call.

    What if I am already some way into my recovery from people-pleasing?

    Great! This membership will help you build on the foundations you have laid and keep growing your power, voice and your peace so that you lead your life and live it on your own terms. You will have the support and encouragement to continue to prioritise yourself and not slip back into old people-pleasing patterns.

    Why wouldn’t this work for me?

    The only reason I have seen is that someone wasn’t open to change. What if I have other questions before I join? If you have any other questions, please email me [email protected] and I will respond to any additional questions.


    [email protected]


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